Thursday, August 1, 2019


The deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial,
political, or cultural groups. So then what would you call Planned
parenthood and the Democrats who support them? If I belonged
to a race of people who are 13.4% of the nation and realized their
were 16 million of my race that have been eliminated, I don't think
I could support that party. We have know idea what 16 million people
could have been, what they could have contributed to our society.
Meanwhile in the country of India another genocide is taking place.
Two thousand girl babies are being killed everyday, in and out of
the womb its called infanticide, but make no mistake call it what you want, its still murder.
So here we are human brings, acting like some animals who kill and
eat their young, although we haven't started eating our young yet, at this rate give it a decade or two.
And so it all comes down to sex, where none of the participance take

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Russia interference in the Election

RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA - I'm so tired of this, so now I'm
going to tell you what no congressmen or senator is going
to tell you. What no TV or Radio reporters will tell you, so with
that in mind, I will tell you what they all no, but will not talk about.
So here it is, how the CIA and at least two Presidents have
interfered in other countries Presidential elections.
The CIA interfered in foreign Presidential elections 81 times,
here just a few of them.
starting in Italy in 1947-1970
Philippines in 1950s
Lebanon in 1950s
Indonesia in 1955
British Guiana/Guyana 1953-64
Japan in 1958-1970s
Nepal in 1959
Laos in 1960
Brazil in 1962
Dominican Republic in 1962
Guatemala in 1963
Bolivia in 1966
Chile in 1964 - 70
Portugal 1974-5
Australia 1974-5
Jamaica in 1976
Panama in 1984-1989
Nicaragua in 1984-1990
Haiti in 1987-1988
Bulgaria in 1990-1, Albania1991-2
Russia in 1996
Mongolia in 1996
Bosnia in 1998
Nicaragua in 2001
Slovakia in 2002
El Salvador in 2004
Afghanistan in 2004
And one of those countries was Russia, in 1996 President Bill Clinton endorsed
a loan for $ 10.2 billion dollars from the International Monetary Fund to help
reelect Russian President Boris Yeltsen. Yeltsen was running against Gennady
Zyuganov and a major backer of Zyuganov was non other then Vladimir Putin. Does
anyone see a story developing here?
Lets not forget Obama in 2015 interfered in the Israeli elections using tax payer money,
$350.000 through the State Department to try to unseat Prime Minster
Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Obama administration working through the State Department with tax payer money
also interfered in Macedonia, Libya, Honduras and Egypt.
So here's my point, its bad when the Russia do it, but its OK when we do it, REALLY

Monday, June 17, 2019

Anatomy of a Lie

People lie because there's always a pay off for a lie,
something to be gained by you or someone else. A
lie is a destructive force that will in time harm some-
one, physically or mentally. People will say they tell
little white lies, I tell you there are no white lies, all
lies are black, only the truth lives in the light. Kids
get bullied on social media with lies from other kids
who do it under a blanket of anonymity. Lies can
ruin peoples reputations, it can put people in prison,
a lie can convict someone for murder, or free some-
one who is a murderer. Politicians and governments
lie all the time, politicians for votes, governments for
deceptions. Governments start wars with lies and
haft truths, Iraq, Vietnam, Spanish American War and
get millions killed, all started with a lie. The press lies
because they don't report the news, they distort the
news. And people lie who are in the news to push an
agenda that they are associated with, say anything
to help the cause, including lying, its about the cause
at any cost.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Interfereing in Presidential Elections

For the last three years all we have heard is that the Russians interfered
in our Presidential election. But know one has told you that we, the USA
has also interfered in foreign countries Presidential elections, the CIA
has done it about 80 times, way more then any other country. This is the
biggest secret that almost everyone knows, but know one what's to talk

And one of those countries was Russia, in 1996 President Bill Clinton endorsed
a loan for $ 10.2 billion dollars from the International Monetary Fund to help
reelect Russian President Boris Yeltsen. Yeltsen was running against Gennady
Zyuganov and a major backer of Zyuganov was non other then Vladimir Putin. Does
anyone see a story developing here?

Lets not forget Obama in 2015 interfered in the Israeli elections using tax payer money,
$350.000 through the State Department to try to unseat Prime Minster
Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Obama administration working through the State Department with tax payer money
also interfered in Macedonia, Libya, Honduras and Egypt.

So here's the point, Trump didn't collude with the Russians, the Russians and Putin
see it as. Revenge is a dish best served cold, it seems the chickens
have come home to roost.

Bruce Knipp