Monday, June 17, 2019

Anatomy of a Lie

People lie because there's always a pay off for a lie,
something to be gained by you or someone else. A
lie is a destructive force that will in time harm some-
one, physically or mentally. People will say they tell
little white lies, I tell you there are no white lies, all
lies are black, only the truth lives in the light. Kids
get bullied on social media with lies from other kids
who do it under a blanket of anonymity. Lies can
ruin peoples reputations, it can put people in prison,
a lie can convict someone for murder, or free some-
one who is a murderer. Politicians and governments
lie all the time, politicians for votes, governments for
deceptions. Governments start wars with lies and
haft truths, Iraq, Vietnam, Spanish American War and
get millions killed, all started with a lie. The press lies
because they don't report the news, they distort the
news. And people lie who are in the news to push an
agenda that they are associated with, say anything
to help the cause, including lying, its about the cause
at any cost.